Olympus CV/CLV-180 Video Processor and light source


Equipped with high resolution HDTV image and ability to guarantee the best possible image quality for endoscopy and laparoscopy. Compatible with the EVIS 100/130/40 series and the EVIS EXERA ™ 160 series, as well as bronchoscopes and surgical endoscopes. Function Narrow Band Imaging ™ (NBI) to improve the visibility of fine capillaries and two mucous tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. Electronic enlargement increases movement or images at the touch of a button by 1.2x or 1.5x without loss of quality. A CLV-180 light source of 300 watts of high intensity illumination. The lamp can be linked and unlinked without unlinking or equipment. Automatically adjusts the intensity of the light to achieve ideal illumination for observation of the gastrointestinal faixa.